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              1. <blockquote id='LxwJ0y'><q id='LxwJ0y'><noscript id='LxwJ0y'></noscript><dt id='LxwJ0y'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='LxwJ0y'><i id='LxwJ0y'></i>
                Solar Concentrating System consists of large-scale high-precision intelligent heliostats and its control system, which reflects and concentrates direct normal irradiation(DNI) to the tower-top receiver and collect solar energy.
                High-precision Intelligent Heliostat
                Working Wind Speed: 24m/s
                Survival Wind Speed: 40m/s
                Working Temperature Range: -40℃~65℃
                Ingress Protection: IP65
                Working Altitude: ≤5000m
                Reflectivity: 94%
                Accuracy: 1.65mrad
                Annual Failure Rate: <0.5‰
                Maintenance: No Lubricant Replacement Needed
                Function: Auto-concentrating、Auto-dispatching、
                Third Party Verification:

                Tracing Accuracy Verification

                Environment Adaptability Verification

                CE Certificate

                Heliostat Field Control System
                • Supported Scale

                  10,000 sets of heliostats, 2 sq.km. reflecting area, 2km heliostat-tower distance

                • Security

                  Redundant power-supply and communication of control system

                Heliostat Array System Suite

                Heliostat Array System suite is the core of communication and control of heliostat field, which is characterized by data acquisition control, efficient transmission and security.

                IP65, natural heat dissipation

                Lightening protection, anti-surge

                Operating from -40℃ to 75℃

                Open-close monitoring of cabinet door

                Redundant power supply and communication of internal controller

                Heliostat Group System Suite

                Heliostat group system suite is the administrative node of HF communication and management, which is characterized by intelligence, efficiency, security and reliability.

                IP65, natural heat dissipation

                Installed with 3000V AC/DC power

                Operating from-40℃ to 75℃

                6 heliostats dispatchable

                Calibrating System
                • Automation: Automatic calibration without angle transducer, no manual duty required
                • High-precision: High-precision tracing, efficient energy utilization
                • Intelligence: Automatic accuracy check, periodical auto-calibration

                Heliostat Field Auto-cleaning System

                The Heliostat Field Auto-cleaning System, which is developed by COSIN SOLAR, is able to carry out periodical cleaning during operation of the plant. The system automatically monitors the cleaning process, and can adopt manned or unmanned driving mode, water-scrubbing or dry-scrubbing scheme to tackle extremely low temperature and sandy condition.

                Take COSIN SOLAR Delingha 50MW project for instance, the unmanned auto-cleaning vehicle is able to work in the evening, and can refresh the whole heliostat field in 7 days with 6 vehicles working in two shifts.

                Labors saved/a: 1.2 million RMB

                Revenue increased/a: 1.1 million RMB

                Software Platform

                The heliostat field control system has incorporated configuration software, monitor software, advanced control software and system tool software, integrating self-managing functions as dispatching, monitoring, maintaining and upgrading heliostat field devices.

                Solar concentrating system consists of large-scale high-precision heliostat field and its control system, which reflects and concentrates direct normal irradiation to the tower top receiver and collect solar energy.
                High-precision Intelligent Heliostat
                Working Wind Speed: 24m/s
                Survival Wind Speed: 40m/s
                Working Temperature Range: -40℃~65℃
                Ingress Protection: IP65
                Working Altitude: ≤5000m
                Reflectivity: 94%
                Accuracy: 1.65mrad
                Annual Failure Rate: <0.5‰
                Maintenance: No Lubricant Replacement Needed
                Function: Auto-concentrating、Auto-dispatching、
                Third Party Verification:

                Tracing Accuracy Verification

                Environment Adaptability Verification

                CE Certificate

                Heliostat Field Control System
                • Supported Scale

                  10,000 sets of heliostats, 2 sq.km. reflecting area, 2km heliostat-tower distance

                • Security

                  Redundant power-supply and communication of control system

                Heliostat Array System Suite

                Heliostat Array System Suite is the core of communication and control of heliostat field, which is characterized by data acquisition control, efficient transmission and security.

                IP65, natural heat dissipation

                Lightening protection, anti-surge

                Operating from -40℃ to 75℃

                Open-close monitoring of cabinet door

                Redundant power supply and communication of internal controller

                Heliostat Group System Suite

                Heliostat Group System suite is the administrative node of heliostat field communication and management, which is characterized by intelligence, efficiency, security and reliability.

                IP65, natural heat dissipation

                Installed with 3000V AC/DC power source

                Operating from -40℃ to 75℃

                6 heliostats dispatchable

                Software Platform

                The heliostat field control system has incorporated configuration software, monitor software, advanced control software and system tool software, integrating self-managing functions as dispatching, monitoring, maintaining and upgrading heliostat field devices.

                Calibrating System
                • Automation: Automatic calibration without angle transducer, no manual duty required
                • High-precision: High-precision tracing, efficient energy utilization
                • Intelligence: Automatic accuracy check, periodical auto-calibration

                Heliostat Field Auto-cleaning System

                The Heliostat Field Auto-cleaning System, which is developed by COSIN SOLAR, is able to carry out periodical cleaning during operation of the plant. The system automatically monitors the cleaning process, and can adopt manned or unmanned driving mode, water-scrubbing or dry-scrubbing scheme to tackle extremely low temperature and sandy condition.

                Take COSIN SOLAR Delingha 50MW project for instance, the unmanned auto-cleaning vehicle is able to work in the evening, and can refresh the whole heliostat field in 7 days with 6 vehicles working in two shifts.

                Labors saved/a: 1.2 million RMB

                Revenue increased/a: 1.1 million RMB


                Solar Concentrating System consists of large-scale high-precision intelligent heliostats and its control system, which reflects and concentrates direct normal irradiation(DNI) to the tower-top receiver and collect solar energy.
                High-precision Intelligent Heliostat
                Working Wind Speed: 24m/s
                Survival Wind Speed: 40m/s
                Working Temperature Range: -40℃~65℃
                Ingress Protection: IP65
                Working Altitude: ≤5000m
                Reflectivity: 94%
                Accuracy: 1.65mrad
                Annual Failure Rate: <0.5‰
                Maintenance: No Lubricant Replacement Needed
                Function: Auto-concentrating、Auto-dispatching、
                Third Party Verification:

                Tracing Accuracy Verification

                Environment Adaptability Verification

                CE Certificate

                Heliostat Field Control System
                • Supported Scale

                  10,000 sets of heliostats, 2 sq.km. reflecting area, 2km heliostat-tower distance

                • Security

                  Redundant power-supply and communication of control system

                Heliostat Array System Suite

                Heliostat Array System Suite is the core of communication and control of heliostat field, which is characterized by data acquisition control, efficient transmission and security.

                IP65, natural heat dissipation

                Lightening protection, anti-surge

                Operating from -40℃ to 75℃

                Open-close monitoring of cabinet door

                Redundant power supply and communication of internal controller

                Heliostat Group System Suite

                Heliostat Group System suite is the administrative node of heliostat field communication and management, which is characterized by intelligence, efficiency, security and reliability.

                IP65, natural heat dissipation

                Installed with 3000V AC/DC power

                Operating from -40℃ to 75℃

                6 heliostats dispatchable

                Software Platform

                The heliostat field control system has incorporated configuration software, monitor software, advanced control software and system tool software, integrating self-managing functions as dispatching, monitoring, maintaining and upgrading heliostat field devices.

                Calibrating System
                • Automation: Automatic calibration without angle transducer, no manual duty required
                • High-precision: High-precision tracing, efficient energy utilization
                • Intelligence: Automatic accuracy check, periodical auto-calibration

                Heliostat Field Auto-cleaning System

                The Heliostat Field Auto-cleaning System, which is developed by COSIN SOLAR, is able to carry out periodical cleaning during operation of the plant. The system automatically monitors the cleaning process, and can adopt manned or unmanned driving mode, water-scrubbing or dry-scrubbing scheme to tackle extremely low temperature and sandy condition.

                Take COSIN SOLAR Delingha 50MW project for instance, the unmanned auto-cleaning vehicle is able to work in the evening, and can refresh the whole heliostat field in 7 days with 6 vehicles working in two shifts.

                Labors saved/a: 1.2 million RMB

                Revenue increased/a: 1.1 million RMB

                Solar Concentrating System