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                      SUPCON SOLAR Delingha 50MW Molten Salt Tower CSP Plant

                SUPCON SOLAR Delingha 50MW molten salt tower CSP project is one of China's first batch of CSP demonstration projects, and has been entitled as National Strategic and Emerging Industry Key Project by NDRC. 

                The project is located in Delingha, Qinghai Province, and is adjacent to the 10MW tower CSP plant. The plant is installed with 50MW capacity and 7-hour molten salt storage system. The solar field consists of 27135 sets of 20㎡ heliostat. The total investment of the project is 1.08 billion RMB, and the designed  electricity production is 146 GWH/year, which equals to the annual power demand of 80,000 households and can save 46,000 tons' standard coal, and reduce 121,000 tons' CO2 emission, which is economically and socially benefitting. 

                The plant construction started in Mar. 2017, and was commissioned in Dec.2018, and reached full-load operation in Apr. 2019. The major equipment run steadily and the indicators of the plant has exceeded their design parameters. 

                Installed Capacity50MW

                Occupied Land

                Receiver Center Height200m
                Molten Salt Volume10093tons
                Steam Parameter13.2MPa,540.0℃

                Electricity Production

                Powering Households80,000
                Coal Saving46,000 tons/year
                COEmission Reduction121,000 tons/year