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                POWERCHINA Gonghe 50MW Molten Salt Tower CSP Plant

                POWERCHINA Gonghe 50MW project is one of China's first batch of CSP demonstration projects, which is located in Gonghe county, Qinghai Province. The project is a tower CSP plant installed with 50MW capacity and 6-hour molten salt storage system, consisting of 30016 sets of 20㎡heliostat. It was synchronized to the grid on September 19th, 2019. 

                Cosin Solar is the technology and equipment provider of the solar island and is awarded with commissioning service for the whole plant and subsystems.

                POWERCHINA Gonghe 50MW Molten Salt Tower CSP Plant reached full load on Nov 6, 2020.  And the 240-hour trial operation of the plant was completed on Nov 28, 2020, which marks that the plant will be put into commercial operation and performance test period.

                Installed Capacity50MW
                Storage6 hours
                Occupied Land2.13km2
                Receiver Center Height210m
                Steam Parameter13.2MPa,540.0℃
                Electricity Production 156.9GWH/year